Posted by Charlie Heywood on 22-Feb-2019 12:25:56

Cloud vs on-site software hosting: what’s best for your business?

APH cloud

It’s been a hot debate in the past. But in the ongoing battle between cloud vs on-premises software, is a clear winner beginning to emerge?

Use of the cloud in business is a no-brainer.

Nearly all businesses use it in one way or another, with 81%adopting a multi-cloud approach to their work across a variety of service providers.

Yet the on-site vs cloud debate still rages. Some aren’t convinced that cloud is the way to go with their software and want to keep it all on the premises.

Here’s why they might think that—and why we consider cloud as the better option.

The key difference between on-site and cloud hosting

Very simply, one has your business working with software kept on a server on the business premises. The other takes the software off-site, hosted on your service provider’s server. Employees can then access the software through a web browser.

It might not seem like a huge difference, but these two approaches to hosting can impact your business in big ways, such as: 

  • Cost
  • Scalability
  • Remote working
  • IT maintenance
  • Deployment

Cloud hosting is more affordable for start-ups and SMBs

There are many financial benefits to hosting your software in the cloud.

The key benefit is that it can be done with very little upfront cost. You don’t need to pay for expensive IT infrastructure, reconfigure your office to find room for the server, or pay anyone to set it up. And there will be no long, costly deployment process (see below). 

Instead, you’ll simply pay a regular subscription fee to your service provider, who will have all the infrastructure in place already. This not only means they can get you up and running without delay, but they will also take care of all (potentially expensive) IT maintenance and software upgrades for you as part of the fee.

Cloud gives your business more freedom to grow

Cloud hosting means taking advantage of using ‘Software as a Service’ (SaaS) from your IT provider. And this approach to business gives you far more freedom in terms of scalability than if you hosted it yourself.

You can tailor your software solution to suit your current business needs, without worrying about locking yourself into expensive software packages forever. You can drop platforms you’re not using to save money and add others that might help. And if you need to scale your users up or down as your business grows or changes direction, your service provider will have the space to accommodate, but won’t charge you for anything you no longer need.

Working in the cloud makes remote access far easier 

Remote working is viewed as increasingly important to the modern business. In a recent survey, only 3% of respondents reported never working from home, while 60% said they would be more likely to take a job if there was a remote working option.

Thankfully, new technology allows us to be connected more than ever before. And because a cloud ERP solution means everyone needs to connect through a web browser, it’s now even easier for employees to work remotely (as long as there is suitable internet access).

Cloud hosting removes IT worries and costs

Keeping all your software on-premises means you get to maintain control. But it also means that you’re responsible for buying the equipment, setting it all up, making sure it keeps working, and paying for costly upgrades to stay competitive.

The good news is that hosting in the cloud leaves all that responsibility in the hands of your professional service provider. They make sure the infrastructure is fit for purpose and the best that money can buy (but at a fraction of the cost to you). They also take care of any unforeseen issues, as well as maintenance, backups, data security (especially important in this GDPR era), and all future upgrades. Leaving you to concentrate on the job at hand.

Deployment is far quicker from the cloud

Traditional on-site deployments can be tricky, time-consuming and costly. Meanwhile, your service provider already has the infrastructure set up. So, if you opt for cloud hosting, you are more able to get your business up and running quicker (and with far less hassle) than if you had to install it on your own server and multiple office computers.

Yes, there are some advantages to on-site hosting—but we think the cloud clinches it

Some businesses want to keep their software and IT infrastructure where they can see them, and that’s understandable. By hosting on-premises, you can maintain a level of control over that side of the business that you can’t do if you host in the cloud.

But in an era where business moves faster than ever, we think it’s important to have an affordable, flexible and scalable hosting solution that can adapt and grow as you do. A cloud solution that takes the hassle of managing infrastructure off your hands, keeps you up-to-date with your competitors without breaking the bank, and helps you focus on making a success of your business. 

Want to know more about how cloud hosting can help your company? Get in touch today and one of our experts can tell you what’s possible >



Topics: hosting, Cloud services